Needham Concert

Free Concert for the whole county - 6:30pm

Go to for a selection of the music.

Needhams Media Selection 

A goodwill offering will be taken at the concert.

Hi-Plains Staff and Outreach

Our church has come alongside Hi-Plains School District in support of all the staff members. Weekly we deliver a small token to say thinking of you and thank you for all you do for the students of our community. Also once a month we provide a big food "event" in the staff lounge as well as providing students treats for the Halloween, Christmas and Valentines Day class parties. You can help support by donating money to purchase items or delivering items to the school on a Friday. See Pastor Joe and click Contact above for more information.  

4th of July Wet Parade, Craft show and Cook Out

To register your free float or your free craft booth

Click here. 

Floats be on 2nd Ave in front of The Center by 9:30 -

Craft Booths be set up by 10am.

Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch